Why You Should Always Be Hiring

What do you think of when you hear the word hire? Do you think of job postings on LinkedIn? Or someone turning in their two-week notice? Maybe you think of growing a team and thriving business.  

Hiring is a rather reactive part of business for many leaders. In this blog, I am going to explain why it’s important to always be hiring and take a proactive approach to team growth. 

“Always be hiring” doesn’t mean interviewing candidates year-round, but rather it involves a shift in mindset. It means thinking of yourself and your entire team as both a recruiter and an ambassador for your business, even when you are outside of your office. It also means assessing your current team, actively networking, and thinking about your sourcing needs long before an employee is moving onto a new opportunity. 

Here is what I mean by the “always hiring” mindset. 

Know what your team is missing 

It’s natural to turn your attention...

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