Leaders You're Too Slow to Hire

employment hiring Jul 18, 2022


As a people strategist, I spend my days in conversations with leaders across multiple sizes of organizations, from entrepreneur to Fortune 500 orgs. I help leaders align their vision, business strategy and people to drive sustainable growth. 

And the common gap I see? We are too slow to hire. 

Our focus and efforts are placed on creating new products and services to drive top line growth and the minute we start to 2x, 5x, 10x our business we lack the foundational org structure to sustain the growth leading to reactive hiring. 

As leaders when we do not forecast talent the same way we forecast business we open up the door to be reactive, making quick hiring decisions that ALWAYS leads to more heartache then support. Moving us out of alignment and actually taking our time away from the growth areas of our business. 

As our business grows, we also need to grow as humans. The strongest leaders I have had the privilege of working with know this one core fundamental; that if they focus on building the team, the team will build the business.

Do you have a clear forecast of talent to take your business to the next level? 

Need support? Reach out directly here: [email protected]


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