Not Everyone Is Meant to Build Teams

Not everyone is meant to build teams.

Far too often I see businesses and leaders jump into building internal teams for the wrong reasons.

Think about it. Have you ever been reactive in hiring? Have you made quick hires without understanding the future of your biz? Did you take the same amount of time to forecast your talent as you did your financials?

Building an internal team takes an equal amount of effort, intentionality & discipline as building a solid customer base.

If you’re not committed to the process of what it takes to build an effective team internally...let’s keep it simple. Stop now.

True leadership includes spending equal amounts of time creating successful cultures and teams as they do biz opportunities.

Want to learn how to build your team properly? Schedule call here:


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What is not bringing on the right team costing you?

hiring Jul 18, 2022

What is not bringing on the right team costing you?


As business leaders and owners, our lack of understanding around how to forecast talent to drive growth and scale your business is costing you!

When we start a new business we are often in the stage of “doing it all ourselves” to save money. We force, grind and spend way too much time on tasks that simply are not moving your business forward.

It is often not until we hit overwhelm or burnout that we finally recognize we need help. And the truth is as leaders, we are too late to hire.

The state of burnout happens in our businesses because we hold onto control and do not invest the time into forecasting talent accurately for the growth we are experiencing. 

Here’s the truth. 

Create your Vision: why do you do what you do?

Build your Business Strategy: what are the business pillars or containers that drive revenue into your business.

Forecast People: Build out a people strategy of WHO...

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Leaders You're Too Slow to Hire

employment hiring Jul 18, 2022


As a people strategist, I spend my days in conversations with leaders across multiple sizes of organizations, from entrepreneur to Fortune 500 orgs. I help leaders align their vision, business strategy and people to drive sustainable growth. 

And the common gap I see? We are too slow to hire. 

Our focus and efforts are placed on creating new products and services to drive top line growth and the minute we start to 2x, 5x, 10x our business we lack the foundational org structure to sustain the growth leading to reactive hiring. 

As leaders when we do not forecast talent the same way we forecast business we open up the door to be reactive, making quick hiring decisions that ALWAYS leads to more heartache then support. Moving us out of alignment and actually taking our time away from the growth areas of our business. 

As our business grows, we also need to grow as humans. The strongest leaders I have had the privilege of working...

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