The Importance of Grace and Space

Whether you tell yourself, "I don’t belong here" or you constantly think, "I’m not good enough" negative self-talk affects how you feel and how you behave. In fact, the conversations you have with yourself often turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

For example, imagine someone who thinks, "I don’t have what it takes to start my own business.” To cope with this self-doubt, this person avoids really chasing their dreams and limits the opportunities presented to them.

Negative self-talk used to make up 90% of my inner dialogue. I’d say things to myself like “Why do I think I can be an entrepreneur,” “I will never be successful,” and “I always make mistakes.” 

Your internal dialogue is continuous and does not shut off. Your internal dialogue is a part of you and shapes how you think, how you act, and how you see the world. While your internal dialogue is always running you can learn to ignore the negative self-talk....

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The Start Stop Continue Method For New Yearā€™s

The week between Christmas and New Year is an opportunity to reflect on the year gone by and to approach the year ahead with purpose and intention. A lot of emphasis is placed on this being a time to make big changes in our lives and while this can prove to be a useful motivator for many, it is also important to recognize that meaningful transitions and milestones are happening all year round. 

Our efforts in forging forward with life are meaningful and valuable regardless of when they occur. However, I have found that giving myself the space to reflect during this specific week, leads to a clear mind for the New Year. 

The reflection I do comes from the framework of the Start Stop Continue Method. 

Start Stop Continue is an intuitive framework that lets you collect feedback on three aspects:

  • What you should start doing;
  • What you should stop doing; and
  • What you should continue doing.

These prompts allow you to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the...

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