Your Past Doesnā€™t Define You: How To Continuously Build Your Identity

In a world that is constantly trying to define who you should be, it can be daunting to find the courage and self-belief to stay true to yourself. However, it is possible to continuously build your identity and find the path that is right for you. 

It’s important to not forge a path solely based on your past accomplishments. Everyone can relate to the feeling of being defined by their past. Whether it be a bad experience, a mistake, or good experiences, such as accolades, awards, and accompaniments– our past can often define how we view ourselves and how others view us. But that can cause us to feel overwhelmed, anxious, and in a state of panic. 

No one knows that feeling better than Emma Jack. Emma is a Sport and Orthopedic Physiotherapist and owner of Press Play Physiotherapy and Pilates in London, Ontario, Canada. She holds a Master of Physiotherapy as well as a Master of Clinical Science, has her Sports Physiotherapy Diploma, is a Fellow of the Academy of...

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Turn Your Passion Into A Business

Everyone has a passion they'd like to turn into something more. Whether it's painting, cooking, writing, or coaching — if you have the drive and ambition to do something bigger with your passion, entrepreneurship can be the key. But how do you get started?

Inner Child Healing Coach and successful business owner, Kathryn Ducey, has some great advice for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to take their passion to the next level. She believes that passion is one of the most important elements for success. From her experience founding her own business and online courses, she has several tips for turning your passion into something more than a hobby. 

When you think about the people you know who are great at what they do. More than likely, a passion for their work underpins their performance. Kathryn’s story is no different. While working through childhood trauma in her 30s, Kathryn’s passion for childhood healing was revealed. While navigating the ups and downs of...

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The Importance of Good Leadership: Growing Businesses and Creating Spaces for Employees to Shine

Leadership is defined as the ability to inspire, motivate and direct a group of people to work together toward a common goal. Good leadership is essential for any business to be successful and grow. It is the responsibility of leaders to create a positive working environment where employees can excel and reach their fullest potential. 

In my most recent podcast episode, I chatted with a very successful, very hard-working, and very selfless leader. Jess Glazer DeRose is a business mentor, investor, CEO, and entrepreneur. She founded Digital Business Evolution, a way to take your expertise and turn it into a scaleable, profitable online business. As a teacher turned 7-figure CEO, Jess has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to leadership and growing a team of leaders. 

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of good leadership and how it can be used to grow businesses and create spaces for employees to shine based on Jess’ leadership principles. 

What is...

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Making A Career Changeā€“ Successfully

Jackie Koch is the Founder of People Principles. People Principles offers Fractional Recruiting and People Operations services for high-growth companies. They are experts in scaling teams from 5 to 50 employees. People Principles has become incredibly successful thanks to Jackie’s leadership and her past career experience (which wasn’t always in the HR space). 

In this blog, I’m going to talk about how to make a career change–successfully. 

When it comes to changing your career, there are a few key things to remember. 

First and foremost, don't let other people's opinions affect your decision-making process. Everyone has an opinion on what you should do with your life and career, but at the end of the day, their opinions aren't as important as yours. It's up to you to make the decisions that will shape your future. 

Jackie says she is wired to not care what people think. Although Jackie wants to be perceived as a hard worker and a nice...

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The Power of Intuition: How Women Founders Can Use Their Gut to Drive Success

Women in business and women founders have an advantage that can help them drive success: their intuition. Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. Women's intuition has long been celebrated for its ability to help them make the right decisions, even when the evidence isn't clear. 

I am passionate about women founders. Not only because I am a part of that group, but because I know how valuable women’s energy and intuition can be for the growth of a business. 

You’ve probably heard the saying “a woman's intuition” and, or “a mother’s intuition.” The truth that this saying holds can be seen in every aspect of life, but especially in business. 

When I started my business, I had this philosophy that it had to look a certain way. It had to be hard, it had to be grueling, and it had to be all-consuming to be successful. Luckily, that mentality didn’t last long. I...

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